General Medical Services
We carry out medical services that are known from the general practitioners' offices and the guards in Norway. The offer is valid for long-term holidaymakers, residents and tourists.
Medical Services
We do GP services:
- acute illness and injuries
- medical evaluation
- controls and follow ups
- bloodanalisis
- minor surgery
- remissions to specialists
- medical certificates
About the offer
This is a whole new offering for residents, tourists and long-term vacationers. We know both the Norwegian and Spanish health systems and follow the Norwegian guidelines and traditions for treatment.
We have long experience of helping Norwegians and other tourists who fall ill in Spain. When you get sick abroad, far from home, you become extra vulnerable. That is why we have a strong focus on caring for patients and relatives in a caring way - even beyond the purely medical. We go to great lengths to help our patients as well as possible. We are a private medical office that has no public reimbursement agreement. This means that unfortunately you cannot use the European Health Insurance Card with us. It can only be used in public emergency rooms and hospitals. We can still help you fill out the application form for HELFO where you apply for a refund of the money you have to put out. If you have valid travel insurance you can use it with us.